I've been working on this idea for a little while now. I want to find a way to really connect my art and craft to my life in a deep way. I've found myself drawn to lunar living in the last few years and have wanted to honor that journey with a magical soap, elevating the mundane, making something that is normal- special. 

How many people take the moon for granted, never look up at night to see it? Do you notice when it has gone dark and the new moon begins? Honoring what we take for granted has a special meaning for me. The moon is special. Really, following lunar cycles makes so much sense to me. 

The new moon is a time of rest and reflection. It's a time to observe our progress, our acheivements (or lack of) according to our goals, and a time to set new goals. It's the time to look inward, a time to slow down, a time for self care.

We have all learned a lot about self care over the last few years. For me, the lessons of Covid and the chaos and aftermath have provided a proving ground for the importance of slowing down regularly. I'm developing muscles for self reflection on the dark moon, and intention setting with the new moon. It means so much to my well being.

At this time you will find me reading books, doing word puzzles and listening to the birds. I choose restful activities keep me away from screens and my phone. I paint and take walks, and think on new projects I would like to try. Maybe you might consider the moon and its cycles too. I'd love to hear from you if you do.

New Moon blessings to all of you,
